Day One – Addendum

Joel covered most of yesterday, just a few things and my first GPS Map (after much messing around)

I originally thought there would be no way to get GPS on flight due to the giant Faraday cage we were in, but we discovered on Tokyo flight that holding my phone up to the glass works about half the time, so we have some random points on the flight over.

The Taxi was fast, but scary from my view, the driver appeared to go up a one way street and seemed to know all the back alleys to get us on to the main express way. As mentioned he was nearly always at least 20km over the limit, 30=50, 70 =100-120, etc.
One other thing is Taxis are expensive. Getting to the hotel cost us more than our first nights stay, 9,270 ¥.

It is great over here, amazing to see all the different things. Although the first thing to hit me coming out of plane is the heat and humidity. Weather report for the rest of the week is around 34c with 10% chance of rain.

And here should be my first GPS plot. Hopefully If I can get it working I should be able to use these in the future to GeoTag our Photos.


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Day One Done

Whew. Finally at the hotel!

The plane landed a little behind schedule, at about 7:10pm local time (which, incidentally, is an hour behind Sydney time). Unfortunately slightly after sunset, so I don’t have any cool photos of Tokyo from the air. We grabbed our luggage just fine, and got through customs just fine, and headed over to the JR office to get our exchange orders changed for rail passes. (These are probably a good idea for anyone thinking of traveling to Japan – you can only buy them before you leave Australia, though.) We eventually picked a starting date, which is something we’ve been pondering over for a while, since we have fourteen-day passes, but we’ll be in Japan for sixteen days, and the woman talked us into buying a pre-paid Suica card for the remaining two days.

She also booked us in for a Narita Express train, which would take us from Narita to where we could catch a train for Machida, which is where our hotel is for this part of the journey. We’ll be spending five days here, before moving on to Osaka – James will probably post a map. Machida is a city that basically got absorbed by Greater Tokyo over the years. It’s still listed as “Machida-shi” (Machida City) on the maps, but for all intents and purposes, it’s part of Tokyo.

Anyway, we’re booking the train to Yokohama, where we’d change to the Yokohama line which’d take us to Machida. Curiously, the 8:06pm service we were expecting to be on the timetable was missing – only the 8:44pm was there, a wait of about an hour. “Ok” we went, and she booked us seats – but when we arrived on the platform at shortly before 8:06, there was the previous train. “Oh well” we went, and let it go. We sat on the platform for a while leafing through the brochures I grabbed, and eventually our train arrived. It was quite impressive, with comfy chairs and folding tables and luggage racks – almost like a plane on wheels. Only with more leg room.

The Japanese rail system is seriously impressive – we could set our watches by the timetable. In any case, after about ninety minutes, we arrived at Yokohama station at 10:16 – right on time. And just in time to see the 10:16 Yokohama line train to Machida pull out of the station.

We’re a little worried at this point, as the Yokohama line is the only train to Machida, but according to the timetable, the next train is at 11:26 – a really long wait, and way too late to make it to our scheduled check-in at the hotel, but after I made a vague attempt to let the hotel know we’d be late in my terrible Japanese (which I don’t think she really understood) we settled down to wait.

At about 11pm, I happened to glance at the timetable again. Turns out I’d been reading the weekday timetable, but today’s Saturday – and on Saturday, the 10:16 service is the last one. Suddenly we’ve gone from being really-late-but-able-to-get-there to stranded-on-a-station-platform-all-night. So we scramble off to find the taxi rank – and it was positively ginormous. Literally five lanes wide and packed ten or fifteen cars deep. And they’re pretty cool – the driver can open the boot and rear-passenger-side door without even leaving his seat.

Yeah, we knew it was going to be expensive. Thing is, catching a bus to Machida – a half-hours’ train ride – would have involved so much stumbling around attempting to ask people which bus and how much it’d cost, whereas catching a taxi basically involved me just going “Machida, onegai shimasu” and shoving the hotel map into his hands. So he sets off, driving down tiny Japanese streets and break-neck speed, and over huge elevated highways, and I’m just sitting there with this huge grin on my face going “Wow, this is Japan. We’re actually in another country!” Meanwhile, James can see the speedometer – he tells me the driver crossed 120 km/h at one point, and averaged 20 km/h over the limit the rest of the time.

He gets us to Machida station within half an hour. Then he asks another taxi driver for more directions to the hotel, and the reply he recieved is worryingly long, considering we’re expecting the hotel to just be a few blocks away. Things look bleak until James happened to spot the hotel’s neon sign looming over nearby buildings, and we’re finally there, only ten minutes past our intended check-in time. We’re on the twelfth floor – the view from up here is pretty impressive – I’ll take a photo when it’s daytime.

Narita Terminal 2 Station

James wanted something for dinner, and we needed a two-pin power convertor, so we headed down to the nearest Seven-Eleven. Had a poke around the nearby streets too – the more streets I see, the more excited I am just to be here. We bought a cup ramen each, but we couldn’t find a convertor. The Seven-Eleven was full of stuff you wouldn’t find in Australia, like a rack of manga and various odd snacks. We also bumped into about twenty vending machines, and saw a ramen shop across the road that might be good for lunch or dinner one day.

I’ve (ahem) “modified” my three-pin power convertor to fit into a two-pin socket, so now we have power. I also discovered the reason the camera wouldn’t talk to the computer is because I was using the USB cable that had come with my wall-socket-USB-charger-thing. As in, it was a power-only cable, not a power-and-data cable. Whoops. Enjoy shiny photo. More to follow. I took a hundred and sixty-four of them.

It’s hot and humid here, but I saw quite a few people around with towels draped over their necks and shoulders, so I didn’t feel the slightest bit odd doing the same. Quite a few women around wearing yukatas as well. Even though it took us over four hours between landing and getting to the hotel, I’m absolutely thrilled to be here – imagine how much fun it’ll be without late-night transport to stress about. We may even be able to get by on my extremely limited Japanese, my phrasebook, and James’ phone translation app thing. Tomorrow’s planned to be a restful day, but we’ll see what happens. Maybe visit somewhere nearby.

Now  it’s off to bed. Cause it’s 2am. James says he’ll blog sometime too. =)

Today’s photo count: one hundred and sixty-four

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En Route

We’re on the way! We’re flying JetStar, because it’s cheaper, but the only flights they do to Tokyo from Sydney all travel via the Gold Coast. Currently I’m sitting in the Gold Coast boarding lounge getting bored of waiting to board, so I thought I’d blog a bit. This is very much a country town-type airport – the terminal is only a single storey, which is basically shorter than all of the jets that come here, so we had to walk down a flight of stairs and across the tarmac to get inside. Stairs! In this day and age! I surreptitiously snapped a photo of the plane, and I’d intended to upload it for everyone’s enjoyment, but the camera decided to choose this moment to not connect to the laptop – I guess I’ll try again when I have a power plug.

On the plus side, the airport has free wireless (AirPort wireless, ha!) pretty much everywhere, but you have to fill in a survey in order to use it. Our next flight takes off in about forty-five minutes. It’s a nine hour flight, then it’s two hours by train to the hotel (on the opposite side of Greater Tokyo).

Power is going to be a worry – turns out Japanese power points don’t have an Earth pin, and Australian to two-pin-Japanese convertors are also missing the Earth pin socket, making it impossible to plug in three-pin devices. Guess we’ll see what happens, but I suspect I’ll go nuts if I have to manage the whole two weeks with no batteries. Guess we’ll see what happens. =)

I’m running out of batteries as we speak…

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T-minus One Day

Well, it’s Friday afternoon – only eighteen-and-a-bit more hours until we’re on the plane and off to Japan… via a two-hour stopover at the Gold Coast, but we’ll get there. Suitcase and carry-on bag packed, unpacked, pruned of needless extras and re-packed, weighed, and sitting ready to be picked up and dragged out the door. Airfares and hotels booked, destinations and activities selected. Insurance has been insured, checklist has been checked, passport renewed, documents photocopied, printed, collated, collected. Currency acquired, validity of bank cards ensured. Been training my internal clock to wake me up earlier so we can get to the airport on time. Kindle loaded with books, iPod synced, phone charged. Wallet weeded of nonessential items, travel belt dug up and dusted off. Time off from work arranged.

I’d say I’m ready to go. =)

Who woulda thunk two weeks would require so much preparation?

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We are going to Japan

Hey all! Welcome to J³. This blog has been set up to keep track of what we are doing in Japan and keep friends and family up to date. We’re hoping to keep it updated daily, but neither of us have done something like this before, and we’re not particularly good at gushing about things either, but I guess we’ll see what happens. =)

Not too long until D-Day.

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